Auto Blueberry x Auto Somango

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Kundenbewertungen zu Auto Blueberry x Auto Somango

Anzahl der Bewertungen: 2
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4
von am 05.09.2015
Habe den Samen als Bonusseed bekommen ist eine Pflanze die nicht sehr gross wird aber für die grösse eigentlich guter Ertrag. Eine sehr unauffällige Pflanze geschmacklich sehr gut und Geruch auch. Eine sehr Pflegeleichte Pflanze die nicht viel Pflege braucht.
IndoorGardening - NeutralGood - Well...nothing bad seen, nothing sensational hapened until now
von am 01.09.2014
I just starting with "neutral" statement from the grow phase and once if i was finished, i will fullfill the rating. was be more nice if there where more detailed information of this Seed from the SeedBank.
Second: what ever i wrote, its a natural thing and each seed could be a little better or not.

My Single Seed was kept watered daily at 25 °C. (may be kept it a little warmer for faster results, but below 30 ° ist easier to prevent it of bad things...)
I depends up to 4-5days until the Spread begins to grow out of Earth/Sand/volcanoStone mixed Substrate (well a hard mix for seed, but great later).
The grow was started immediatly with 18h 400W NaH-Lamp 50cm Distance, permanent Fan Cooling, Temperature about 30-35°C. and with addition of a well balanced grow mix (enzymes, vitamines etc.). The plant gots a 4L Pot.. pH of Earth and water not checked, but at least in neutral range.
The plant grows faster than a Blue Mammoth auto and begins to bloom earlier to. But later and less high than a white widdow auto.
The Blooming started after 30days with about 27-28cm height. Produced the 6th Pair of leaves and the same Y's. The width is about 30cm. everything grows as well and the color of the leaves is a middle well saturated green. Leafes are small to medium sizes (If you know Jack Herer's Fat Leaves, take at minimum half of).
At this moment its to say, that it grows good and likes sun.
A normal grow, nothing surprising.
i may wrote more if the grow was finished.

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